

Monday, September 1, 2014

Ashley Maddox Blog Post


  1. Ashley Ann Maddox
  2. No
  3. 68 inches
  4. 18 years old
  5. 9:45 am
  6. Kit Kats
  7. Cheese its
  8. Keith Urban
  9. Rowing and yoga 
  10. What is your mathematical background? (Not limited to the list below…list other topics if needed)
Basic math algebra1  algebra2 Geometry 

High school Precalculus

  1. What is your comfort level with solving math word problems, math application problems, and conceptual math problems?
               comfortable (C)

  1. What is your comfort level with math computations and calculations/using formulas and following steps and procedures?
  uncomfortable (U)

  1. What is your comfort level with any of the following algebraic and precalculus concepts? 

Write one of the following next to each topic:

Very comfortable (V) comfortable (C)     uncomfortable (U) extremely uncomfortable (E)

Equations U
Factoring C
Adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing fractions/rational expressions C
Simplifying expressions C
Simplifying rational expressions (fractions and fractional polynomials) U
Operations on roots and fractional exponent expressions U
Operations involving whole number exponent expressions C
Finding common denominators VC
Inequalities VC
Functions C
Absolute value U
Linear functions U
Systems of equations C
Domain and range C
Inverse functions U
Transformations (shifting, scaling, stretching, etc) C
Quadratic functions C
Completing the square C
Exponential functions U
Logarithmic functions VU
Base e VU
Graphing (trigonometric, quadratic, linear, exponential, and logarithmic functions) U
Trigonometric concepts U

  1. Have you taken American university’s math 151 (finite math) class? If yes, was your grade a “b” or better? No

  1. Have you taken American university’s math 160 (applied precalculus) class? 

  1. Which social media formats are you familiar with?

Texting facebook  pinterest  tumblr twitter

google plus Instagram

  1. Which social media formats do you use most frequently?

Texting facebook pinterest twitter Instagram

  1. What is your major? Business Undecided 
  2. Why are you taking this math class? Because my math placement test placed me here. 
  3. Will you take other math classes in the future at American University or will this be your only math class? If yes, which classes do you anticipate taking? If I change my major to communication, which I am leaning towards, this will be my last math class. 
  4. What do you hope to learn in this class? More about manipulating functions. 
  5. Is there anything else you would like me to know about you? I like being held accountable. My senior year math teacher was very nice, but she would always take my homework late and give me full credit, and help me a lot during tests. In the end it did a disservice to me because I put in minimal effort. 

1 comment:

  1. Im a big fan of yoga too! Have you ever done Bikram (hot) yoga??
