

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

"Be The Professor"-- Anita Tjahyadi

**Today I will be talking about Domain and Range.**
The set of all the starting points is called "the domain" and the set of all the ending points is called "the range." The domain is what you start with; the range is what you end up with. The domain is the x's; the range is the y's.
As we all know, Domain is the set of all input values (also known as x-value) and Range if the set of all output values (also known as y- value). 
                      -There are 5 types of numbers that can Identify either domain or range.
                                  - NATURAL NUMBERS ---> |x|
                                               |x| = {1,2,3,4,5...}
                                  - INTEGERS --- >  Z
                                               Z= {-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3...}
                                  -RATIONAL NUMBERS ---->  Q
                                               Q = { (-2/3), (-1/2), 0...)
                                  -IRRATIONAL NUMBERS ---> P
                                                P= {e, π... }    
                                  - REAL NUMBERS ----> R
                                                R= {all types of numbers}

To put these numbers into use, We have three different ways to notate-- Roster, Set-builder,& Interval notation.

                        - Roster Notation  
                                  -Listing each element of a set inside a pair of {}.
                                  - Example 1: The set of all the letters in the name RAMONES
                                                   D= {R, A, M, O, N, E, S}          
                                  - Example 2:
                                                    D= {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14}
                                                    R= {1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31}  
                         - Set-Builder Notation
                                   - Lists the rules that determines whether an object is an object of the set,
                                      rather than the actual elements.
                                   - Example 1: The set of all women such that the woman has won a Grammy.
                                                     D= {woman| the woman has won a Grammy}
                                   - Example 2: y= √(x-4)                                                         
                                                              x-4 ≥ 0                  D= { xϵ Q| x ≥ 4}    ( ϵ -- > "element of" )
                                                               x ≥ 4                     R= { yϵ Q| y≥ 0}  
                          - Interval Notation
                                   - A method of writing down a set of numbers. Usually, this 
                                     is used to describe a certain span or group of spans of numbers 
                                     along an axis, such as an x-axis. However, this notation can be
                                     used to describe any group of numbers. 
                               For example, consider the set of numbers that are all greater than 5. 
                                   - Example 1: y= √(x-4)
                                                   D= [4, ∞ ) 
                                                   R= (0, ∞)  



  1. hey, anita,

    good lesson on domain and range. i like your use of some real world examples to support the concept. i was a little confused by your use of the terms "beginning" and "ending" values when introducing your lesson. probably not the best terminology but made it more clear as the lesson went on.

    professor little

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