

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Exponential growth/decay

Hi, I’m going to explain exponential growth and exponential decay. First of all, we should start with exponential functions. Exponential functions are functions that change at a constant rate. Exponential functions are usually in form .

Meanwhile, A cannot be equal to zero and B has to be greater than 0. When A is greater than 0 and B is greater than 1, the function has exponential growth. When A is greater than 0 and B is less than 1, the function has exponential decay. In the equation above, A represents the initial value, B represents the growth rate and x represents the time.

Exponential growth/decay has many real world applications and is therefore very important in today’s society. It can help us determine population growth, how much money we get from interest and it can help determine the half-life of things such as bacteria. These all have important real world implications, which is why we should delve further into the matter.

Lets looks at some examples of exponential growth. Suppose Joe makes $100,000 a year as an investment banker. Every year, Joe’s salary will increase by 12 percent annually. How would you write this formula? And what will Joe’s salary be in 8 years?
Joe has an initial salary of $100,000, therefore, A would be 100,000. Meanwhile, Joe’s salary increases by 12 percent annually. So B would equal 1.12. In order to find B, you have to add  1 to the growth rate. So it would be 1+.12 and that would give us 1.12 for B. Since we want to know what Joe’s salary in 8 years will be, X=8. Thus, the formula for this equation would be Y= 100,000(1.12)^8 and his salary in 8 years would be  $247,596. We also know this is an example of exponential growth because B>1.

The following video is a cool illustration of exponential growth.

For exponential growth/decay functions, I generally use two tricks. First, If I know the growth rate is more than 1, the function is exponential growth. That also helps you know how the graph of the function will look. The above graph (above link, I couldn't paste the graph) is an example of exponential growth. If the growth factor is less than 1, I know it will automatically know it will be exponential decay. The graph of an exponential decay function will look very different from the graph of exponential growth. The graph below (the link below, the graph wouldn't show on the blog) represents exponential growth. The initial value of both graph are very different to help show the impact of the growth factor. In the exponential growth graph, the initial value is relatively low and over time the value goes up because there is growth. In contrast, the exponential decay graph has a very high initial value but because there is a decay rate the value decreases over time.
The other trick has to deal with the growth factor. If I’m already given a percent, It seems easier for me. If the percent is over 100 it would be similar to getting a b value over 1 and I would know there is exponential growth. Likewise, if the percent is 70 for example, I know there is a decay rate because If I covert 70 percent to a decimal, I would get .7.

One last example

After Mary bought a car, she realized the value of her car would steadily depreciate. She bought her car for $45,000 and her car will depreciate by 10 percent annually. How much would her car be worth in three years?

 In the given example, we are told that the car will depreciate by 10 percent annually and we have an initial value of 45,000. The tricky part of this equation is that they say it will depreciate by 10 percent annually. If we convert that to a decimal we get .1 the next step would be to subtract 1 by .1 which will give us .9. This is because after one year, the car will be worth 90% of what it was originally worth. Therefore the growth factor in this equation would be .9  which means its exponential decay. Therefore, the equation of this function would be f(x)= 45,000(.9)^3 and that would give Mary a value of $32,805 after three years.


  1. The links you provided in your blog are great and really help the lesson

  2. Very detailed descriptions! Great job!

  3. Great job explaining the concept so thoroughly!!

  4. I like the links you provided with the lesson! they really help to explain the lesson alot better.

  5. matthais,

    really great lesson! i like your graphs and the real world example that you use at the end especially. organizationally, i would have put the second part of your lesson first and the first part of your lesson second, since in the second part you go into so much detail about explaining the growth factor and in the first part you use it without much explanation. all in all, though, good work!

    professor little
