

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Domain and Range

Part A:

Hi, I will be explaining the concept of domain and range. Domain and range are both actually quite simple, and are good to understand when graphing. Without domain and range, solving a graph algebraically or graphically becomes extremely difficult. Luckily, we won't have to deal with that difficulty after today.

First, it's good to understand conceptually what domain and range values actually are. Let's begin:

- Domain is all the horizontal axis' possible values, or, as traditionally taught, all the "x" values/input values. 
- Range is all the vertical axis' possible values, or traditionally, all the "y" values/output values. 

Just knowing the domain and range isn't enough though, we have to be able to write it in a way that all other mathematicians can understand. The two ways we write domain and range are as follows:

1) Interval Notation: So, if the domain (all possible input/x-values) is equal to all values between (and including) 0 and 5, then the domain in interval notation would be as follows: [0,5]. If the 0 and 5 are not included, then it would be as follows: (0,5). Brackets indicate inclusion of the end point, but parentheses indicate exclusion of the end point. 

2) Set Builder Notation: There are more complicated ways to write domain and range. In set builder notation, the realm of the numbers defined in the domain/range are included. So, with the same interval of 0 and 5 (with end points being excluded), the set builder form of the domain would be as follows: {x ∈ R | 0 < x < 5}. The ∈ is read as "is an element of" and the R is read as "all real numbers," while the | is read as "such that." This gives the condition that while x has the possibility of being a part of all real numbers, that's only true for the condition of all real numbers between and not including 0 and 5. 

That might be a bit confusing, because set builder notation is usually where most people get lost. Here's another example for the more visual learners:

Set Builder Notation
  • The member of means "a member of" (or simply "in")
  • The Reals is the special symbol for Real Numbers.

Let's do a simple example using both domain and range now: In the graph shown below, the domain is every possible input value, or "x", that we can have on the line segment. So, the domain is anything between -2 and 2. In interval notation, that can be written as [-2,2]. Notice the closed brackets indicating that -2 and 2 are a part of the domain. In set builder notation, the domain is {x  R | -2   2}. Notice the "" which indicates that the numbers outside are included.

The range for the same graph would be all the possible "y" values, or output values, that the line segment can have. In this case, the range would be all values between -4 and 8, including those two end points. In interval notation it would be [-4,8] and in set builder it would be {x  R | -4  x  8}.

If you want to see just one more resource, check out these videos on domain and range: 

For domain definition: http://www.virtualnerd.com/algebra-1/relations-functions/domain-definition.php 
For range definition: http://www.virtualnerd.com/algebra-1/relations-functions/range-definition.php
For finding domain and range: http://www.virtualnerd.com/pre-algebra/algebra-tools/find-domain-range-example.php
For interval notation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ow8Ug7_d-9Y
For set builder notation: http://www.virtualnerd.com/tutorials/?id=Alg1_5_1_8

And there you have it! You now officially understand and can communicate the concepts of domain and range for a graph. Nice job!


  1. I also did it on Domain and Range!
    I really like the images you used for the examples. I wish I had thought of that. I also liked the links at the end that led to more information on the material.

  2. emma rose,

    really nice job! i especially like the part where you explained about set builder notation initially, then broke it down again into pieces with a visual image to support a stronger understanding of the concept. a real life example or connection would have added a little extra but other than that, great work!

    professor little
