

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Blog Post 2: Micron and Cannabusiness

Part a:
More Demand for Computer Memory Could Lift Micron Shares 50 Percent: Barron's
A function is a relationship that has exactly one output for each input. In this case, the stock prices of Micron are a function of demand for the goods of the firm.

This function can be represented as f(s) = ds; where f(s) represents the stock price, s represents the amount of shares, and d represents the demand for shares by shareholders.

This function is not linear because the rate of change is not constant at every interval. The stock prices don’t have a constant rate of change due to the volatility of the factors that affect demand, such as the tastes of consumers, expectations of the future, or changes in the prices of related goods.  

The function is a mathematical model because output values are directly dependent on the input values. This means that if the demand for shares rises, the stock prices rise as well. If demand for shares fall, the stock prices will also fall. This implies that there is a positive relationship between demand and stock prices.

Part b:

In Colorado, a Rebranding of Pot Inc.

As a result of Colorado’s legalization of cannabis, many new businesses have come about to take advantage of the “green rush,” but are trying to put a new, appropriate spin on consumption to make it appear more acceptable for all, much like the early 1900’s marketing of cigarettes to women as an acceptable social action. 

This relationship is not a function because it there could be multiple outputs per input, and there is no definite way of quantifying the recent boom in cannabis advertising and “cannabusiness.”


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It is interesting to see the rapid growth of cannabusinesses and how the times are changing.

  3. this is very interesting material. Would have been nice to see a graph posted on your blog.

  4. Hey Rachel! Like Shannon, I would have liked to see a graph posted on your blog entry, as I feel like the material you're sharing would have been a lot more effective. That said, I was really impressed you managed to find a business application that also served as a mathematical model, since I was struggling to find one with so many graphs available.

  5. Hi Rachel, this is the first mathematical model I have seen so far. I think it would have been a bit clearer if the graphs were included. Your 2nd question in Part A is really well answered, I am glad that you included function notation. I thought that your second article was really interesting and I actually enjoyed reading it.

  6. rachel,

    good examples and nice job of explaining your first graph in particular. it would have been nice to see ROC calculations to confirm your explanation about linearity, but other than that nice job. and kudos for remembering to use function notation.

    your second example is relevant and interesting but it would have been nice to see a graph showing how there is a non function relationship.

    prof little
