

Monday, October 6, 2014

Blog Post #2 What's Your Function

Milana Wynne
Part A:
1. http://www.statista.com/statistics/219502/starbucks-net-income/

2. A function is a relationship in which there is exactly one output per input and it must pass the vertical line test.
3. This graph represents Starbucks's net income from 2007-2013. It is a function because for each input (the year) there is a exact output (the income).
4. This graph is not a linear function because at some points the rate of change is positive and at other points it is negative, the rate of change is not constant at every interval and the graph does not result in a straight line.
5. This graph is not a linear function.
7. This function is not linear because if this bar graph were a line graph, the points would not line up in a straight line, it will align kind of in a curved manner.
8. This graph is not a mathematical model because the output (the income) does not depend on the input (the year). Therefore, if I= income and T=year. If this graph did represent a mathematical model then its function notation would be; R=f(T).

Part B:
1. A relationship is not a function if there is more than one output per input.
2. http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2013/02/these-4-charts-explain-exactly-how-americans-spend-52-billion-on-our-pets-in-a-year/273446/
This graph represents how many families own pets, which pets, and how many pets.

3. The relationship in this bar graph is the input (which pets) and the output (how many families own pets). The blue bar represents the house holds with pets (output) and the red bar represents the total number of pets (input).
4. This relationship is not a function. On the bar graph there is more than one output per input.


  1. I really like the second example, it's pretty funny and it's a pretty good example. I didn't realize there's more than one output put input until I looked at the graph more closely and looked at your explanation.

  2. Wow lots of people own fish. Great examples

  3. milana,

    your first example is perfect and well explained! good job of remembering to use function notation! it would have been nice to see some calculations of rate of change to confirm nonlinearity, but other than that, awesome job!

    your second example, unfortunately, does not qualify as a NON function. it is a really cute example, though, but it represents two separate relationships that are each functions.

    prof little
