

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Blog Post 2

Part A

1. http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/01/the-growth-of-college-grads-in-dead-end-jobs-in-2-graphs/283137/
2. A function is defined as when an input number has exactly one output number, making the input a function of the output. Another way of finding a function is seeing if it passes the vertical line test, checking to see that every y value only corresponds to one x value.
3. (see first graph)
4. This graph looks at the function of underemployment in recent college graduates over time (from 1990 to 2012)
5. This graph cannot be a linear function, because to be so, the graph would have to have a constant rate of change, and the line clearly has differing slopes.
6. N/A
7. Because this graph is not a linear function, it has no one average rate of change simply because the rate of change shifts at different intervals
8. This graph is a mathematical model because it exemplifies the correlation between the year and the percent of recent college graduates' unemployment rates.

Part B

1. A graph does NOT qualify as a function when an input number has more than one output number, or has the potential of having more than one output number (ie. the input is NOT a function of the output)
2. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jared-bernstein/two-scatterplots-regardin_b_3912735.html
(referencing the first graph in the article)
3. In this article, they plot the change in labor force participation against job growth by state.
4. If you were to give this graph the vertical line test, it would not pass.


  1. the relationship of your function is very realistic, so I like it, because that may happen to us after we graduate. And according to your graph, in the last couple of years, underemployment has been increasing.

  2. anisa,

    overall a good job on your first example. a few things were missing, like function notation and calculating the ROC of the line to further confirm that it is not linear. also, your explanations could have used a little more detail.

    excellent job of finding a NON-function, however!!

    you lost a few points for it being late. try to be on time next time!

    prof little

  3. I found this really interesting because its a topic, us college students, are strongly interested in. This graph helps us realize how the underemployment has been increasing.
