

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Blog post #2

Part A

2) A function is a relationship that has one output per input. To be a function, on the graph the relationship must pass the vertical line test, meaning that there cannot be two of the same y- points on the graph in the same function.

 4) In this relationship there function between number of recoded Ebola cases and the date.
5) This function is not linear because the average rate of change isn't constant.
7) I know this function is not linear because the graph is not in a straight line and grows exponentially rather than linearly.
8) This function is a mathematical model because it has a real life application, which relates to the number of Ebola cases recorded and can potentially be recorded.

Part B

1) For a relationship to not be a function it will not pass the vertical line test nor have an average rate of change. Also a relationship that isn't a function will have more than one output per input.

2) The relationship here is a function of imports to exports per year.
3) I know that this is not a function because in multiple years there are the same output values in imports and exports. Especially in 2011 and 2012 when the imports and exports are exactly the same for those two years.


  1. Good explanation of the definition a function, Jordan. Also, good job finding a mathematical model for your example of a function.

  2. Great examples and learned something new about the Ebola virus.

  3. nice examples! i like how you decided to use ebola as an example too, very interesting.

  4. Your second graph is a great example of a something that is not a function

  5. jordan,

    eeeeeek! ebola! well, very relevant example, for sure. your explanations are good and clear, however, it would have been nice to see ROC calculations to confirm your explanations about linearity. additionally, you forgot to use function notation when discussing the math model part. the definition of a math model is that the outputs are dependent on the inputs and i am also not sure that is the case here.

    your second example shows two relationships that are separate functions, so this does not qualify as a NON function.

    prof little
