

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

About Me Blog #1

1. My name is Anita Tjahyadi
2. I don’t have any preferred nicknames.
3. I am 67.2 inches tall.
4. I am currently 21.
5. On average I wake up around 9:30 am.
6. Chocolate. Definitely chocolate. I mean who doesn't like it?
7. My favorite junk-food is Ben n Jerrys Phish food. Yum.
8. I don't really know who my favorite band is. My preference in music is really very wide. From Fleetwood Mac to Etta James to Cole Porter, it's hard to say which is really my favorite artist.

9. I AM IN LOVE WITH DISNEYLAND. I am that one girl from Los Angeles that constantly goes to Disneyland every chance she gets. Its really bad actually. I know that place like the back of my hand. That place just draws me in like flies to a lamp. Nothing gets me happier than going to the happiest place on earth.

10. In high school, I took basic math, algebra I, and Algebra II . After that, I took statistics and College Algebra from my previous college.
11. Math word problems - U
Math application problems - C 
Conceptual math problems - U.

12. I think I would be comfortable enough.
13. Equations V
Factoring V
Adding/subtracting/multiplying... V
Simplifying expressions C
Simplifying rational expressions... V
Operations on roots and fractional exponent expressions C
Operations involving whole number exponent expressions C
Finding common denominators V
Inequalities V
Functions C
Absolute value C
Linear functions C
Systems of equations C
Domain and range C
Inverse functions C
Transformations (shifting, scaling, stretching, etc) U
Quadratic functions V
Completing the square V
Exponential functions V
Logarithmic functions V
Base E C
Graphing.... U
Trigonometric concepts U

14. No, I have not taken AU’s Math 150.
15. No, I have not taken AU’s Math 160.
16. Although I am familiar with all of them, I dont really like to use too many social media sites. I don't really feel the need to use too many.
17. I usually use Facebook, Instagram, and texting.
18. I am a Business Administration Major with a focus on Marketing.
19. This class is a prerequisite for two required math classes for my major.

20. Hoping that AU will accept the credits for the stats class I transferred in with, I will probably only take a calculus class in the future.

21. Honestly, I just hope to get better at solving word problems and to better analyze set equations and why we do things a certain way. I am kind of bad at word problems. I probably can't do one to save my life. (not kidding) I just need to find a way to work myself around them.

22. Once i start to settle in and become comfortable, I am a really big goofball. I try to be as witty as possible every chance I get. I fall all over the place and get random UFB's (Unidentified Flying Bruises) everywhere. So basically I am a klutz. I'm just going to be the girl bumping into stuff and dropping everything everywhere.


  1. Sorry to burst the bubble...I'm the chick who isn't about chocolate ha (I've never liked it I don't know why)

    1. you're not the only one, emma! i can't stand chocolate! but i love gummi bears! =0]

      prof little

  2. Anita chocolate is my life, Ill try to remember to bring some to class for us!

  3. Disney is one of my favorite places too! And all other amusement parks. I love the different characters and riding in roller coasters.

  4. My cousin used to work at Disneyland, so whenever I went to California I'd go to Disney for free! Disneyland is definitely one of the best amusement parks in the country.

  5. I am a transfer too! Where did you transfer from?

  6. Ben and Jerry's is the best! Thank god they have it at the pod market :)

  7. Fleetwood Mac rocks. Easily one of my favorites as well!

  8. Ben and Jerry's is the spot . Went there everyday as a kid
