

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Blog Post 1

Blog Post 1

1. Kirsten Bjorndahl Jay 
2. Kirsten 
3. 64.5 inches
4. 18
5. 7:30
6. Snickers 
7. goldfish 
8. The Maine
9. dance, run, sleep
10. high school basic calculus 
11. u
12. c
13. Equations C
Factoring u
Adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing fractions/rational expressions C
Simplifying expressions C
Simplifying rational expressions (fractions and fractional polynomials) C
Operations on roots and fractional exponent expressions u
Operations involving whole number exponent expressions C
Finding common denominators C
Inequalities C
Functions u
Absolute value C
Linear functions C
Systems of equations C
Domain and range C
Inverse functions C
Transformations (shifting, scaling, stretching, etc) U
Quadratic functions U
Completing the square u
Exponential functions u
Logarithmic functions u
Base E C
Graphing (trigonometric, quadratic, linear, exponential, and logarithmic functions) U
Trigonometric concepts U
14. No
15. No
16. Texting, Facebook, Pinterest, Wordpress, tumblr, instagram, twitter
17. Texting, facebook, pinterest, tumblr, instagram
18. Photojournalism
19. Required to
20. Yes, Stats

21. Why math works the way it does


  1. Hi Kirsten! Jeez, you get up early. That's honestly so impressive. If I surface before 8 or 9am I usually feel like death for a few hours. I also love Goldfish as well!

  2. I used to dance until my sophomore year of high school! I'm thinking of continuing it at American.
